
Cookie policy

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small text files sent by websites and stored on your computer, tablet, smartphone or other mobile device. Cookies are used to collect information about your browsing patterns and to channel appropriate content to your device.
Cookies are not executable files, they are simply text files; cookies are not spyware nor are they viruses.

What are cookies used for?

Web pages have no memory. This means that you will not be identified as being the same person when you move from page to page on a website. Websites use cookies to identify your browser. Cookies are mostly used to store your choices and preferences as well as to recognise you the next time you visit the site.

A cookie does not record your name, address, age or any other personal details. Cookies only record your preferences and interests based on your surfing behaviour.

Cookies can fulfil a range of functions according to their type, as explained below.

What are the types of cookie?

Cookies can also be classified according to their expiration date, function and origin.

Cookies classed by expiration date

Session cookies

Session cookies improve users’ website experience, linking their actions together during a browser session. A browser session starts when a user opens the browser window, and ends when it closes. Session cookies are not stored permanently; they are deleted as soon as you close your browser. Most functional cookies are session cookies.

Persistent cookies

A persistent cookie, however, is stored in your browser for a period of time determined by the cookie itself, and it remains in your browser after the session ends (unless you manually delete it). They are activated each time a user visits the website that placed it. Most non-functional cookies are persistent cookies.

Cookies classed by function

Functional cookies

Functional cookies are needed for the website to work properly, and they ensure that the right information is displayed quickly and accurately every time you visit our website. Functional cookies enable us to remember your preferences and they help you to use our website efficiently; functional cookies are known as first-party cookies.

Non-functional cookies

Non-functional cookies are cookies that may be placed for statistical, commercial or targeting reasons. They have nothing to do with the actual function of the website. Cookies used for statistical purposes enable us to identify the web pages that you visit, where your computer is located, etc. Social cookies allow website visitors to share content on the website directly with other people, via social media. Targeting cookies enable us to create a profile based on your surfing behaviour, so that we can then serve you advertisements tailored to your interests. Cookies used for commercial purposes provide updates about the number and nature of advertisements displayed to the user. Non-functional cookies can be first-party or third-party cookies.

In detail

  • Technical cookies
    We use technical cookies to display our website and check that it is functioning as it should. These cookies enable you to create and log-in to an account and to manage your business information. Technical cookies are vital to the correct operation of our website.
  • Performance and analytical cookies
    We use these cookies to look at the way that users consult information on our website, to find out what works and what doesn’t, to optimise and improve the site, and to make sure to always provide you with services that are interesting and appropriate to you. Data that we collect includes logging pages you visit, open and leave, the type of platform you use, the date and time, as well as information such as the number of clicks on any given page, mouse movements, page scrolling and the search terms that interest you when you use our website. We also use analytical cookies as part of our online advertising campaigns as these help us to understand how users behave on our website after they have seen one of our online advertisements, including advertisements placed on third-party websites. All data collected remains anonymous and your identity is not revealed.
  • Targeted and advertising cookies
    We use third-party cookies as well as our own cookies to display advertisements from other websites on our website and on third-party sites. These cookies collect information about your surfing habits so that you can be served suitable advertisements that match your centres of interest. They also make it possible to limit the number of times that you will be served any single advertisement, and they are useful to us in assessing the efficiency of our advertising campaigns. These cookies are generally placed by advertising networks with the permission of website operators. They store information about visits to a site and share this information with other businesses (advertisers being one example). Targeted and advertising cookies often relate to website functions provided by the partner company.

Cookies classed by origin

First-party cookies

First-party cookies are cookies placed by Dunya Tilsimatlary LLP when visitors connect to its website.

Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are cookies placed by a domain name different to the website visited by the user. Third-party website cookies may be placed by services that appear on the third-party site. The website has no control over these cookies. They might, for example, be cookies placed by Google, Facebook or Twitter. For further information about third-party cookies we suggest that you visit the websites of these third parties.

What cookies does the website use?

You are advised to allow cookies on your computer, tablet, smartphone or other mobile device when using the website.